Today, we will unveil the secret ingredients that make our technologies unique. Our CTO, Yevgeniy Khatsko, will tell you how to prepare Django Nginx Secure Link. Enjoy reading.
We have released the first version of our package, which you can find here. The motivation was the problem of hiding files from public access for unauthorized users or, more deeply, hiding the file from everyone by creating temporary links for each specific file.
Some might see echoes of object storage in this and say «here's AWS S3, Azure Blobs, etc.», but there are some issues and complexities that hinder quick integration of such storage. It is not always feasible to connect an object storage to an existing project, here are a few examples from our experience:
This is just a small list of examples where it is much simpler to take an Nginx module, closing public access to files, adding a component to generate private links for file distribution, thus not changing the entire logic of the code base working with files. Our package allows on simple and more complex projects where Nginx acts as the front-end server to delegate file protection directly to the web server, offloading our backend.
This solution is also suitable for fairly complex architecture solutions, where files can reside on separate servers, accessed through Nginx.
Our package allows taking over the generation of temporary file links, restricting public access, while Nginx verifies these links and decides whether to serve the file. Nginx has an excellent module ngx_http_secure_link_module for this task, we based our solution on it and wrote a middleware between Django and this module. The solution turned out to be simple and convenient, we also accounted for specific cases where only particular directories from the media storage need to be hidden, or vice versa, made public. All this is configured at the package level and should be set up at the Nginx level by specifying particular locations for media/...
The package also includes auxiliary commands aimed at helping configure the necessary block for location.
Work is still ongoing and improvements and fixes will be made. There are several open tasks that will be included in the next release soon. If you are interested in this package and wish to improve it, please write and participate. We welcome any involvement, even constructive criticism to improve the package.
Let's delve into the technical part and look at an example setup for a Django project and Nginx virtual host configuration.
pip install django-nginx-secure-links
Depending on the Django version, you need to specify the following settings:
General settings for all Django versions
DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'nginx_secure_links.storages.FileStorage'
"default": {
"BACKEND": "nginx_secure_links.storages.FileStorage",
"staticfiles": {
"BACKEND": "",
MEDIA_URL = '/media/'
MEDIA_ROOT = '/var/www/html/media/'
python secure_links_nginx_location
В консоль будет выведен пример блока конфигурации, который и нужно вставить в файл site.conf:
location /media/private/ {
secure_link $arg_token,$arg_exp;
secure_link_md5 "$secure_link_expires$uri 8SypVsPwf3PypUfdVmos9NdmQNCsMG";
if ($secure_link = "") {
return 403;
if ($secure_link = "0") {
return 410;
alias /var/www/html/media/private/;
location /media/ {
alias /var/www/html/media/;
1. We will consider an example data model that saves files in a private directory specified in the SECURE_LINK_PRIVATE_PREFIXES setting:
from django.db import models
class PrivateDocument(models.Model):
file = models.FileField(upload_to='private/documents')
2. Create a new record in the database by uploading a file through the admin panel for PrivateDocument.
3. To generate a protected link, just access the url property of the file -> obj.file.url:
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
from models import PrivateDocument
def private_document_view(request, pk):
obj = get_object_or_404(PrivateDocument, pk=pk)
private_url = obj.file.url
return HttpResponse(private_url)
The variable private_url will store a private link containing two additional GET parameters:
Note that if the files are not in the private directories listed in the SECURE_LINK_PRIVATE_PREFIXES setting, the generation of a private link will be skipped. As a result, we’ll get a public link without additional GET parameters token and exp.
The full working example for different Django versions can be found at this link. The example features the simplest installation of the Nginx module via the nginx-extras package, but it’s worth noting that if you build Nginx from source, you can also add this module at the ./configure step, avoiding the installation of nginx-extras in the system. We have documented the repository with the example, creating branches for specific Django framework versions, we hope this will simplify the integration of the package into your projects.