Pool // FinTech

Pool Trading platform with the ability to trade shares of artists

#media #fintech #socialnetwork

About the Client

POOL Music GmbH - startup from  Munich, Germany.

The commercial sphere of the media business often remains traditional, where a large portion of the profits goes to labels and producers. However, the founders of Pool decided to change this mindset by introducing an innovative application that combines fintech with elements of social networking. Pool allows users to invest in shares of their favorite musical artists, supporting their success through active trading of shares. This application creates a unique connection between fans and artists, opening up new earning opportunities for them.


Create an MVP for investing in shares of music artists.


A mobile application has been developed for iOS and Android, allowing users to trade shares of music artists.

Users can buy and sell "shares" of artists, track statistics, concerts, and events influencing share prices, and make real-time decisions. Social elements enable users to interact and exchange opinions about music and artists. Within the Pool ecosystem, administrative panels are available for the convenience of both artists and the platform.


Project Stages


Discovery Phase (3-4 weeks)

We conducted brainstorming sessions and defined system roles and user journeys (CJM).

Analyzed the pricing algorithm and financial market instruments.

Conducted a design audit, improving the user experience (UX) proposed by a third-party company.

Created user scenarios (User Stories).

Calculated infrastructure costs, taking into account expected loads.

Explored third-party integration possibilities, such as payment gateways and push notifications.

Prepared and documented the project architecture plan.

Estimated the scope of work, assigned priority to functionality, and developed a project roadmap, determining the optimal team composition.

Prepared the budget.


Iterative Development (14 weeks)

Development was carried out iteratively using the Scrum methodology over the course of 7 sprints, each lasting 2 weeks. At the end of each sprint, a demo was conducted followed by testing on real client devices. As early as 2 weeks after development began, the client installed the first test build with the basic functionality of the application.

Beta Testing (1 week)

Pre-release testing and fixing of discovered errors.

Release (1 week)

We published the applications in stores and ensured interaction with the support service to obtain approval from Apple and Google companies.


Artist Web Panel:

  • Personal account for tracking the dynamics of stock sales in real-time
  • Management of news, releases, and albums

Mobile Applications (iOS/Android):

  • Personal fan profile with a "My Friends" block and transaction history

  • Verification and personal identification  module

  • Functionality for placing orders and exchange tools, including stop-loss and other options

  • Wallet with deposit, withdrawal, and real-time asset change chart capabilities

  • News section

  • Push notifications

  • Artist marketplace with filtering, search, and sorting functions

Картинка 2

Pool Admin Panel (built on Django):

  • User, transaction, and artist management at all stages

  • Log monitoring

  • Report generation

Project Challenges

According to German legislation, mobile applications incorporating brokerage elements are required to integrate with verified partners. In this case, verification by one of the certified partners (Concedus) and identification by another (Verimi) were required. The integration process required careful planning from all sides. We developed an interaction scheme and conducted alignments between the respective endpoints.

Additionally, the application included integration with a third-party resource, SoundChart, whose data was used to form the pricing algorithm. During the implementation of this integration, issues arose with the unstable retrieval of data. To address them, adjustments to the business logic were needed to ensure stability during data delays.

Oxana Balayan

Oxana Balayan

Founder & Chair
Huge thanks to LighTech for helping to develop such a supercool App


AngularTaiga UINgRx


PythonDjangoDRFCeleryRedisPostgreSQLAWS CloudS3EC2ALBCloudFrontACMIAMSQSRDS


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