AfriCash // AgriTech

AfriCash Marketplace for trading agricultural products

#agritech #bayer

About the Client

Bayer is a multinational pharmaceutical and biotechnology corporation from Germany.

The work of farmers in Zambia is complicated by the underdeveloped agricultural supply system. An idea emerged to help farmers sell their produce and simplify their purchase of equipment, chemicals, and other necessities. Bayer decided to create a marketplace that combines these capabilities into a single platform.


Within the project, we were tasked with developing a multifunctional marketplace that would allow Bayer to diversify its income by expanding the customer base and optimizing product distribution tools.


A web application has been developed, providing convenient tools for navigating through products, managing orders and logistics, and aggregating analytical data for the purpose of optimizing agribusiness.

The implementation of the developed application by Bayer aimed to contribute to the sustainable development of the agricultural sector in Zambia by integrating innovative products and services.

Project Stages


Stage 1

Discovery Phase


Stage 2

 Iterative Development with Sprints every 2 weeks


Stage 3

Beta Testing

Stage 4

Release (up to 1 week)


The marketplace is a multifunctional platform for Bayer product sales to farmers. They can purchase goods to improve yields (equipment, chemicals, etc.) with prepayment or on credit through retail outlets - Agro Hubs.

Additionally, the application allows farmers to sell their produce through distributors, making it more convenient and simpler for them to market their harvest.

Capabilities of the "Farmer" role:

  • Viewing and ordering Bayer products with subsequent pickup at the Agrohub
  • Searching for contracts to purchase crops by traders and applying for suitable contracts
  • Changing the status of trader orders
  • Viewing credit application statuses
  • Familiarizing themselves with information about using Bayer products, as well as available offline training sessions for skills enhancement

Capabilities of the "Trader" role:

  • Creating, deleting, editing offers to purchase crops
  • Viewing, rejecting, approving farmer's applications for created offers (contracts)

Capabilities of the "Agrohub" role:

  • Editing Bayer products available for sale 
  • Changing the status of farmer orders
  • Publishing information about conducting free training courses to improve farmers' qualifications

Admin can view, approve, reject, close paid deposits


Super Admin:

  • All admin capabilities
  • Ability to invite, edit, delete admins and configure deposit requirements (percentage, payment deadlines)

Instead of push notifications, SMS messages were used. The reason being that internet connectivity often fluctuates in Africa, and it was more reliable to rely on mobile networks.


RxJs Observable with WebSocketRxJSTypeScriptFullCalendarNgxChartsNgx-translateAngular Material


PythonDjangoDRFCeleryRedisPostgreSQLAWS CloudS3EC2ALBCloudFrontACMIAMSQSRDS



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